Painting a watercolor "study piece" every day.

Having recently taught a live workshop and now having my class here on CraftArtEdu I feel compelled to paint every day!  There is joy in the process and practicing on a regular  basis leads to improvement.  It may not be immediate, but it will occur with time.   I have been painting small pieces. I think of them as "studies."  I will post some soon and would love to see what you have rendered.

Do you find it difficult to make time to practice?

Do you schedule time for you to paint?

Do you paint only when you are in "the mood"?

What is the main obstacle that you need to overcome to get your art on track?

Discussion started by Pamela Haddock , on 236 days ago
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Robin, that is so wonderful that it is a help for you. I have used it as my own therapy of sorts. We lost a family member and it has been tough. Practice and concentrating on the process and not the product is a big help. By doing so some wonderful things happen "in the process." Your comment is a great encouragement to me. Keep on painting! Good things will come.
143 days ago
I have been disabled for a year now. When I worked I would try to paint or at least draw for an hour after dinner. Now, I paint as much as I can everyday when my body lets me sit up. It seems the more I paint the more I want to paint. I find that I am so much more comfortable painting now that I've been doing it for a period of time (used to paint in oils and acrylics, watercolor is a different ball game) and I have more and more ideas popping in my head. It is like anything I guess, Practice makes perfect or at least comfortable to the point of being able to really create. Painting and the process of learning this medium has kept me sane through all of this pain and lack of physical activity that I am able to do. It literally has saved my life. I paint as much as I can. As for a schedule, I never really was able to keep one when I was working and now with the pain determining what I can and can't do , I can't keep a set schedule. I do it when I'm able and enjoy it more every time I get the chance. It is me time. I treasure it so much.
143 days ago
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