Awards and Credits
Chery founded a handpaint yarn company, Cherry Tree Hill Yarn in Vermont and her first book, Handpaint Country was published in 2001. She later wrote 5 other books, created a DVD about handpainted yarns and began writing fantasy books. She also has written articles for major yarn publications and has taught and lectured internationally.
Cheryl Potter Marschke
Cheryl is an avid fiber artist and fantasy author who combines color, fiber and text to create unique handcrafted yarns and companion stories called Potluck Yarn. She draws inspiration from the rustic beauty of northern Vermont, where she lives on a farm in a remote area known as the Northeast Kingdom. Creating colorways as a way to tell a story has always piqued her interest, as has the idea that yarn can be a finished product, the main ingredient of a project or a story.
Cheryl’s teaching focuses on using color for creative expression and she tends to break conventional rules of hand dying, pattern design and finished garments. Her approach is more holistic than most as she designs a colorway with an eye toward how it will transform fiber. As she paints the yarn, she imagines how Ione would knit it and what the resultant garment would be. Lots of times the yarn will have a story to tell.
Cheryl received a BA from Middlebury College and an MFA from The University of Arizona. In 1999 her handpaint yarn company, Cherry Tree Hill Yarn, was founded at her farm in Vermont. Her first book, Handpaint Country was published in 2001. She later wrote 5 other books and created a DVD about handpainted yarns before she began writing fantasy books. She has written articles for major yarn publications, including Vogue Knitting, Knitter's, Interweave, Knit N Style and Cast On. She has taught and lectured internationally.